Alert: Streamlined Issue Reporting for Instant Action

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The Challenge

“Alert” is a QR code-based reporting system designed to simplify issue reporting in various business environments, including hospitals, corporate offices, and more. It integrates with systems like JIRA, SMS, and email to notify relevant teams promptly for faster issue resolution.

Before the launch of "Alert," businesses like hospitals and corporate offices had inefficient systems for reporting issues, requiring users to navigate through multiple communication channels, which made the process unmanageable. Additionally, there was ambiguity around specific locations, causing delays as users struggled to provide clear information about the area or equipment involved. As a result, resolution times were slow, with issues being passed between departments, ultimately affecting overall user satisfaction.

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Remotebase engineers developed "Alert," a QR code-based system that allows users to report issues directly from specific locations. "Alert" integrates with platforms like JIRA, SMS, and Email to notify the appropriate teams instantly.

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Key features

QR Code Interface

Simplified reporting by allowing users to scan a QR code, auto-populating location details and simplifying the reporting process for users.

Categorized Issues

Enabled users to categorize issues such
as Building & Fixtures, Cleanliness,
Communication, Tech, TV, and Bed/
Bedside for hospitals, making it easier
for users to classify their concerns.

Photo and Description Uploads

Allowed users to attach photos and descriptions,
providing relevant teams with the context they
need to address the problem effectively.

Streamlined Notification System

Automatically channeled the reported issue to the
correct team or authority via integrations with JIRA,
SMS, Email, or other notification systems. This ensures
the issue is addressed promptly without unnecessary delays.

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Technology used


Built on .NET Core with an MVC framework, Alert's backend provides a flexible and secure environment for issue reporting and management.


SQL Server is used to manage location-based data, issue reports, and user uploads, ensuring that all data is accessible, structured, and secure.


React JS powers the web interface, offering users an intuitive and responsive platform to report issues, upload images, and track the progress of their reports.

Cloud & Deployment

Azure services provide cloud hosting for Alert, utilizing resources for data storage, and various notification services to integrate with systems like JIRA, SMS, and Email.


The implementation of "Alert" significantly improved the way issues were reported and resolved across multiple industries.

Both employees and customers could report issues easily, leading to significantly higher satisfaction.

Improved User Experience

Pre-selected locations and categorized issues minimized misunderstandings.

Accurate Reporting

Direct notifications ensured quick action by the appropriate teams.

Faster Resolution Times

"Alert" was adaptable across various industries, making it a versatile tool for diverse business environments.

Scalable Solution