Wed Feb 15 2023
Founders & Tech Leaders

Everything You Need to Know About IT Outsourcing Services

Maryam Khurram
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IT outsourcing services is a strategic approach that involves contracting with an external service provider for all or part of a company's information technology (IT) functions.

Outsourced IT services aim to gain access to specialized expertise, improve efficiency and reduce costs.

In recent years, the growing digitalization of businesses and the high cost of skilled IT talent has led to a surge in the popularity of IT outsourcing.

However, finding the right outsourcing partner and navigating the process can be complex, requiring careful consideration of various factors such as provider evaluation, relationship expectations and potential pitfalls.

This article provides a comprehensive overview of IT outsourcing, offering valuable insights and guidance to help you make informed decisions and successfully leverage a powerful business practice.

IT Outsourcing Models

Outsourcing is a broad term that encompasses several specific concepts in IT services. Below are some of the most common types of IT outsourcing, including onshore outsourcing, nearshore outsourcing, offshore outsourcing and staff augmentation.

1. Onshore Outsourcing

Onshore outsourcing involves partnering with an IT service provider within the same country as your organization. For example, a company based in the United Kingdom may collaborate with a local development firm.

Onshore outsourcing offers the advantage of proximity, making communication and collaboration easier.

2. Nearshore Outsourcing

Nearshore outsourcing is similar to onshore but with a provider located in a neighboring country. This model is often chosen for its balance between proximity and cost-effectiveness.

3. Offshore Outsourcing

Offshore outsourcing involves partnering with an IT service provider in a different country. This model is often chosen for its cost-effectiveness, as wages and operating costs are typically lower in other countries.

For example, a company in the United States may choose to work with a team in Asia.

4. Staff Augmentation

Staff augmentation is a model of IT outsourcing in which organizations contract with a provider to add extra resources to their existing in-house team.

This model is often used to fill specific skills gaps or manage peak demand without going through the time and effort of the hiring process.

Staff augmentation allows organizations to quickly access the needed talent without committing to a full-time hire.

5. Dedicated Team

The Dedicated Team model of IT outsourcing is well-suited for projects that require the involvement of a full-fledged development team.

By choosing this model, you can leverage the expertise of a dedicated and remotely-based team while avoiding the costs and complexities associated with in-house recruitment, management and office expenses.

This model provides an ideal solution for organizations looking to ensure a consistent and dedicated resource allocation for their long-term IT projects.

For example, a company based in the United States may work with a team in Mexico or Latin America.

6. Offshore Dedicated Center (ODC)

For companies seeking to undertake large projects and exercise maximum control over their development team, the Offshore Dedicated Center (ODC) model provides an optimal solution.

Instead of hiring an in-house team, organizations can establish a dedicated development center in a country with favorable tax policies and low labor costs.

They can open their own office or partner with an outstaffing vendor, who will handle recruitment and management responsibilities.

With an ODC, the development team works from the partner's office while the organization retains full management control over the project.

7. Project-Based Team Model

For projects that necessitate 3 to 9 months of active development, the Project-Based Team model of IT outsourcing provides an efficient and streamlined solution.

By opting for this model, organizations can complete their work quickly and efficiently without needing a prolonged recruitment process.

This model is ideal for businesses looking to complete their projects within a specified time frame while leveraging the expertise of a dedicated team of IT professionals.

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The State of the IT Outsourcing Industry

The IT outsourcing services industry is experiencing significant growth and shows no signs of slowing down. The latest statistics reveal the extent of the industry's expansion and its future potential. Here are a few key insights:

  1. According to Statista, the global outsourcing market revenue reached $92.5 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach $425.19 billion by 2026, with a CAGR of 4.5%.

  2. Technavio reports that the market for outsourced IT services is set to grow by $97.51 billion at a CAGR of 4.58% between 2020 and 2024.

  3. In 2021, Flexera found that 25% of companies increased their outsourcing investments.

  4. A survey by Clutch reveals that small businesses are turning to outsourcing to improve efficiency and access needed resources.

  5. 70% of businesses used an outsourced IT services provider to cut costs in 2020, according to Deloitte.

  6. Global spending on outsourcing is expected to reach $731 billion in 2023, according to Deloitte.

  7. Global outsourcing market is worth $92.5 billion in total contract value (TCV) (ISG).

  8. 92% of G2000 companies utilize IT outsourcing (ISG).

  9. 90% of companies view cloud computing as crucial in outsourcing initiatives, according to Deloitte.

  10. Outsourcing HR can result in an average cost savings of 27.2% (NAPEO).

  11. In 2020, the top reasons cited by businesses for outsourcing IT services were cost savings (56%), access to expertise (46%), and improved focus on core business activities (39%), according to a Deloitte survey.

Benefits of IT Outsourcing Services

Access to Global Talent Pool

Outsourcing IT services provides companies with access to a vast global talent pool. Allowing businesses to find the right professionals with the right skills and experience to handle their specific needs.

By expanding their talent search beyond their local market, companies can find individuals with specialized skills who may need to be available in their home country.

Additionally, outsourcing gives businesses access to a wider range of time zones, allowing for a more continuous work cycle and shorter delivery times. This is especially useful for companies in need of round-the-clock support and development.

Cost Savings

One of the primary benefits of IT outsourcing services for businesses is the increased potential for cost savings. By outsourcing non-core activities to a third-party vendor, companies can reduce the cost of hiring and training in-house employees.

Moreover, outsourcing also eliminates the need for expensive equipment and technology investments.

Access to Specialist Skills

IT outsourcing enables companies to tap into a pool of talented and experienced professionals without investing in recruitment and training.

Allowing businesses to get the expertise they need for specific projects without incurring the cost of a full-time employee. Improved Focus on Core Business Activities By outsourcing non-core IT activities, companies can free up their internal resources to focus on core business activities.

This can lead to improved performance and productivity and more efficient use of time and resources.

Scalability and Flexibility

Outsourced IT services allow businesses to scale their IT operations up or down as required quickly. This is especially beneficial for companies that experience fluctuations in demand for their services.

Outsourcing IT services can help companies quickly adapt to changing business needs and capitalize on new opportunities.

Improved Quality

IT outsourcing providers have a wealth of resources, experience and expertise that enable them to deliver high-quality services.

This is particularly critical in fast-paced industries, where companies must stay ahead of technological advancements and changing customer expectations.

With outsourcing, companies can benefit from the expertise of the service provider and their investment in the latest tools and technologies.

Additionally, outsourcing providers can allocate dedicated resources to a project, which can result in increased productivity and improved project outcomes.

Enhanced Security

In today's digital age, data security is a critical concern for businesses. IT outsourcing service providers can offer enhanced security measures to protect sensitive company information.

This can include implementing encryption technologies, firewalls and other security protocols. With outsourcing, companies can utilize the service provider's investment in security infrastructure and access to the latest security technologies.

Having their data protected and secured can provide peace of mind for companies. Furthermore, outsourcing providers typically have specialized teams dedicated to managing security, which can help to minimize the risk of data breaches or security incidents.

Time-to-Market Advantages

IT outsourcing enables companies to market their products and services faster. This is because outsourcing providers have the resources and expertise to deliver projects quickly and efficiently without sacrificing quality.

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Selecting the Right IT Outsourcing Provider

A critical aspect of IT outsourcing is choosing the right provider that meets your business's unique needs and objectives.

Here are some key considerations to keep in mind while evaluating potential providers.

Industry Expertise

When selecting an IT outsourcing provider, it's important to ensure they have experience and expertise in your specific industry. This way, you can be confident that they have a deep understanding of the industry and are familiar with the latest technology trends relevant to your business.

The provider should have a proven track record of delivering successful IT outsourcing solutions that meet or exceed industry standards.

Service Portfolio

Assessing the provider's range of services and capabilities is indispensable. Make sure they have the necessary resources and expertise to provide your required services. Check their portfolio to see their previous projects and the level of complexity they have handled.

Ensure they have a reputation for delivering high-quality solutions and services that meet or exceed industry standards.

Cost Structure

The cost of outsourcing IT services is a critical consideration. Choosing a provider whose cost structure aligns with your budget is important.

Look for a provider that offers flexible pricing options, so you can scale up or down as needed. Additionally, understand all the costs involved, including any hidden costs, so that you can make an informed decision.

Quality of Service

The quality of the service you receive is paramount. Ensure that the provider has a reputation for delivering high-quality solutions and services that meet or exceed industry standards.

Check for references, online reviews, and testimonials from their previous clients. It's also advisable to request samples of their work to evaluate their capabilities.

Cultural Fit

A cultural fit between your company and the provider goes without saying when outsourcing IT services. Look for a provider that shares your values and has a similar approach to doing business.

A good cultural fit can help ensure open and effective communication, leading to a smoother and more successful partnership.

Consider factors such as the provider's communication style, management structure and overall approach to customer service.

Evaluating Potential Providers: How to Proceed

Once you have shortlisted potential providers, it's time to evaluate their capabilities and suitability for your business. Here are some steps you can take to make an informed decision:

- Request for Proposals (RFPs)

Prepare a comprehensive RFP document that outlines your specific requirements and expectations.

Ask each potential provider to submit a detailed proposal that provides insight into their capabilities and approach to delivering IT outsourcing solutions.

This will help you compare and evaluate the responses from each provider and make a more informed decision.

- Reference Checks

Reach out to businesses that have previously used the services of the potential provider. Ask them about their experience, the quality of service they received, and any challenges they faced.

This will help you gauge the provider's reputation and track record.

- Due Diligence

Conduct a thorough due diligence process on each potential provider. This can include reviewing their financials, contracts and references.

Assess their stability, scalability, and overall capability to meet your needs and deliver your required services.

- Test Projects

Consider engaging the potential provider in a test project to assess their ability to deliver high-quality solutions that meet your requirements.

This will also allow you to assess their work style, communication and collaboration skills.

- Contract Negotiations

After evaluating all potential providers, it's time to negotiate the terms of the contract. Ensure that the agreement is clear and comprehensive and outlines the responsibilities and expectations of both parties.

Work with a lawyer to ensure that the contract protects your interests and complies with relevant laws and regulations.

- Risk Management

Assess the potential risks associated with working with each potential provider. Consider factors such as the provider's financial stability, intellectual property protection and data security.

Develop a risk management plan to minimize potential risks and ensure that you have a contingency plan if required.

- Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Ensure that the SLAs included in the contract clearly define the provider's responsibilities, performance expectations and any penalties for non-compliance.

Also ensure that the SLAs are realistic, measurable, and aligned with your business goals and objectives.

- Ongoing Monitoring and Review

Once the contract has been signed, it's important to monitor the provider's performance and conduct regular reviews to ensure that they are delivering the services in accordance with the agreed terms.

This will help you identify issues early on and address them before they become bigger problems.

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How to Build Your Outsourced Development Team

We know finding an IT outsourcing vendor can seem daunting. But with a little research and scrutiny, you can make an informed decision. Start by conducting a thorough online search and make a list of potential candidates.

When evaluating the options, consider the following key factors:

1. Check the Reviews

Besides popular platforms, such as G2 reviews, consider searching for reviews on specialized industry websites and forums.

Don't limit yourself to client reviews; seek feedback from current and former employees to gain insight into the company's culture and working conditions.

2. Evaluate the Portfolio

When reviewing the vendor's portfolio, pay attention to the similarity of projects and the quality and complexity of their previous work.

Furthermore, consider reaching out to their references to ask about their level of satisfaction with the vendor's services and the outcome of their project.

3. Discuss the Project Scope

Before communicating with the vendor, prepare a clear and concise description of your project goals and requirements.

A good vendor should be willing to invest time in understanding your project's objectives and any constraints you may have. They should also provide constructive feedback on your project scope and help refine it.

4. Team Assessment

When meeting the team, assess not just their technical proficiency but also their communication skills, attitude, and level of commitment. It is worth asking for resumes and portfolio samples from the team members who will be working on your project.

Ensure that the vendor has a dedicated in-house team and is not just outsourcing or subcontracting the work to third parties.

5. Proposal Evaluation

When evaluating the proposal, look beyond the estimated budget and consider the level of detail and quality of the proposal's other components.

The project roadmap should provide a clear and realistic timeline, while the tech stack should be well-suited to your project's needs and goals. Ensure that the proposal includes a dedicated project manager and quality assurance engineer to ensure the project stays on track and meets your standards.

6. Plan Your Roadmap

The project roadmap should be comprehensive, covering all the key phases of your project, including the discovery phase, development, testing and deployment.

Make sure the roadmap aligns with your project timeline and budget and clearly defines what will be delivered and when.

7. Review the Tech Stack

The proposal's tech stack should be well-suited to your project's requirements and aligned with industry standards and best practices.

In addition, take into account inquiring about the vendor's experience and expertise in the specific technologies they have proposed for your project.

8. Assess the Maintenance Estimate

Consider the long-term impact on your project budget and resources when evaluating the maintenance estimate.

Ensure the vendor provides clear and detailed information on the ongoing support and maintenance services they will provide, including any potential additional costs.

9.Understand the Acceptance Criteria

The acceptance criteria should be clearly defined and communicated by the vendor in the agreement. Ensure that the criteria align with your project goals and expectations and provide a clear understanding of what constitutes a successful outcome.

Before final delivery, consider having a separate acceptance testing phase to ensure that the project meets the agreed-upon criteria.

How Can Remotebase Help You With IT Outsourcing?

Remotebase is a leading provider of the top 1% remote developer teams. With a strong focus on innovation and a commitment to delivering high-quality results, Remotebase has established itself as a trusted partner for businesses across various industries worldwide.

Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping organizations harness the power of digital technologies to drive growth and success.

From ideation to launch, Remotebase developers can provide the support and expertise needed to bring your product vision to life. Our end-to-end product development services include research and analysis, design and engineering, testing and launch support.

With our cutting-edge technologies and a focus on delivering results, we can help you build high-quality software solutions that meet your unique business needs.

Our wide range of IT outsourcing services includes software development, maintenance and support. Our team of experts can help you streamline your operations, optimize your processes and increase your efficiency.

Whether you need support for a specific project, a dedicated engineering team, or ongoing IT services, Remotebase is the partner you can trust to help you achieve your goals. With our commitment to delivering results and focusing on client satisfaction, we can help you stay ahead of the curve and succeed in today's fast-paced digital world.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do companies save by outsourcing?

Companies can save anywhere between 15% and 90% of their usual costs by outsourcing, depending on the type of business and operations being outsourced and the country they’re being outsourced to. (ROI Solutions, Outsource Accelerator)

What are the benefits of outsourcing IT services?

Outsourcing IT services can bring several benefits to companies, such as access to a larger pool of skilled professionals, reduced labor costs, improved efficiency, increased scalability, and increased focus on core business operations. Additionally, IT outsourcing services can provide companies with access to the latest technology and infrastructure, leading to a competitive advantage.

What should a company consider before outsourcing IT services?

Before outsourcing IT services, a company should consider several factors, such as their business goals, in-house capabilities, budget, and the outsourcing vendor's reputation, experience and cultural fit. It's also important to establish clear lines of communication, expectations and responsibilities between the company and the outsourcing vendor to ensure a successful outsourcing relationship.

What are some of the drawbacks of outsourcing IT services?

The drawbacks of outsourcing IT services include a potential loss of control over processes and data, cultural and language barriers, and a loss of in-house expertise. It can also lead to communication difficulties and decrease service quality due to the need for more personal interaction.

What are some of the most common IT outsourcing services?

IT outsourcing covers a wide range of services, including but not limited to the following:

  • IT support services outsourcing involves outsourcing day-to-day; IT support activities, such as troubleshooting, maintenance, and repair of hardware and software systems.

  • Software development includes custom software development, testing and quality assurance, and application management.

  • Network and infrastructure management includes network design and implementation, server and database management, and cloud computing services.

  • Cybersecurity includes penetration testing, threat assessment and incident response planning.

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