Thu Apr 13 2023
Founders & Tech Leaders

Remote Development Teams: Benefits and Challenges

Maryam Khurram
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For many years, Silicon Valley has been the birthplace of numerous technological innovations and has only continued to solidify its dominance over the industry in the past decade. The tech sector has become the driving force behind the US economy, with the five largest tech companies making up 23.8% of the S&P’s market value, and the majority of the industry is concentrated in the Bay Area.

Corporate America is experiencing a monumental shift, one that has forced companies to rethink how they do business, manage employees, and structure their corporate cultures. As a result, workers can now untether themselves from city centers and move to places that are more convenient for them in terms of cost and location.

Perhaps none of the industries have embraced remote development teams more rapidly and enthusiastically than the tech industry. Silicon Valley companies have started to rely more heavily on remote development teams.

This trend has been driven by a variety of factors, including the rise of cloud-based tools, the increasing cost of office space in Silicon Valley, and a growing recognition of the distributed remote development teams benefits.

In this article, we'll explore why Silicon Valley companies are turning to remote software development teams and examine the benefits and challenges of this approach.

Learn more: Everything You Need to Know About IT Outsourcing Services

Top Reasons to Hire a Dedicated Software Development Team

Top Reasons to Hire a Dedicated Software Development Team

According to a Korn Ferry's future of work survey, businesses that fail to adapt to upcoming changes over the next decade are at risk.

The US labor market may have seemed healthy in 2021 despite the pandemic, but with the impending retirement of baby boomers, there are concerns about the lack of younger workers to fill the gap.

By 2030, the tech industry may face a shortage of employees, leading to increased competition for positions, higher average salaries and talent being poached by other companies.

To address these concerns, major US and global companies are turning to hiring remote development teams. Companies like Amazon, Google, Reddit, Huawei, Oracle and Siemens have already established operations in the region.

Outstaffing, which involves hiring remote development teams through a third party, is becoming the preferred solution.

Despite initial doubts about remote teams, 44% of chief intelligence officers now prefer offshore technology functions compared to five years ago. Additionally, 78% of businesses are optimistic about hiring remote development teams, signaling a shift towards outstaffing as a viable option.

CTOs and engineering leaders frequently cite various reasons for hiring a dedicated software development team. These include:

- Staying on Budget While Maintaining Product Velocity:

Hiring a skilled offshore development team can help you save costs due to lower labor rates and maintain high productivity. Regions like Eastern Europe and Latin America have top development talent at significantly lower rates than the US or Western Europe.

- Flexibility for a Changing Market Landscape:

Offshoring enables you to flex or contract your remote software development teams as needed, achieving the right balance of efficiency and cost-effectiveness. By strategically building and managing your remote team, you can have better control over your resources as business needs evolve over time.

- Launching a New Product:

Remote development teams can offer valuable expertise in setting up the application and providing insights into successful features. With their support, you can launch your product quickly and efficiently, with high quality and success.

- Increasing Bandwidth and Horsepower:

A tailored remote team can provide additional capacity and flexibility to your in-house team, allowing them to focus on other tasks.

- Accessing More Expertise and Experience:

Expanding your hiring search to include global team members can give you access to specialized professionals with valuable expertise, improving your in-house team's efficiency and success.

- Maintaining Full Control Over the Team:

The dedicated development team model enables effective management, mentoring and assimilation of remote engineers, ensuring you maintain control even as you expand outside the office.

Remote Development Teams Advantages

Remote Development Teams Advantages

Business challenges arising from economic volatility can be addressed through digital transformation, which has become increasingly important since the pandemic. Companies have recognized the need to adopt more flexible business processes.

As a result, managers can now effectively manage a bank's currency trading platform from their homes as they would from a corporate office.

One significant advantage of hiring a remote development team is the range of benefits it offers, including:

1. Affordable Talent

Offshore developers, particularly those from tech hotspots in Eastern Europe and Latin America, can offer startups and high-growth companies cost-efficient and hard-to-find talent.

This allows companies to stay within their budget and meet product development goals while also enjoying the benefits of a fully integrated team.

Additionally, with the continually rising living expenses in major tech hubs like Silicon Valley, it is becoming increasingly difficult for tech workers to afford to live in these areas.

2. Faster Hiring Processes

Creating an in-house development team from the ground up can be long and expensive, often taking several months. However, partnering with offshore teams can simplify the process by allowing you to outsource recruitment and onboarding to your partner, who can provide the necessary resources and financing.

By utilizing offshore remote software development teams, Silicon Valley companies hiring remote teams can save time and money while also accelerating the release of a product to market.

3. Flexibility and Scalability

It's not hard to understand the tech exodus. With a median housing price of $1.3 million, San Francisco is the most expensive city in the country for real estate.

Silicon Valley companies hiring remote teams and high-growth companies need to be agile and able to pivot quickly to meet changing demands. The dedicated team model offers the flexibility to scale up or down the team depending on product development needs.

With this approach, companies can quickly onboard or offboard talent without the legal and financial challenges of hiring and firing in-house employees. This level of flexibility can be crucial in the fast-paced world of software development.

4. Total Control

With a dedicated remote software development team, engineering leaders have complete control over the team's work, schedules and projects.

This approach allows companies to treat the offshore team as an extension of their internal team and have a similar level of control.

5. Faster Delivery Times

A dedicated team focused on a specific application's development can lead to faster delivery times. These teams have a deep understanding of the product and its features, allowing them to work quickly and efficiently on new features or updates.

Additionally, these teams communicate and collaborate more effectively, leading to quicker resolution of any issues that may arise during development.

6. Diverse Technical Expertise

Building a dedicated offshore team allows companies to recruit for any technical background and gain access to a broader pool of specialized talent.

This can be particularly helpful for creating cutting-edge products and staying up-to-date with emerging innovations in the field.

Remote Development Team Challenges

Remote Development Team Challenges

- Communication Barriers

Establishing effective communication channels is crucial for the success of any software development team. In a remote setting, it can be challenging to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

However, using communication tools like Slack, Chanty and Microsoft Team can facilitate streamlined collaboration, group chat, instant messaging, video conferencing, file sharing and more. Scheduling regular online meetings also promotes transparency and tracking progress.

- Time Management

Managing employees across different time zones can be a challenge, but using time management tools like Harvest, Clockwise and Team TimeZone can help streamline workflow processes.

These tools offer features like time tracking, workflow management, automated reminders and more. You can compare the features and subscription charges of different tools to select the most suitable one for your business needs.

- Technical Issues

Remote developers rely on their own devices and local internet service providers, which can present technical challenges.

Providing optimized gadgets or computer systems and conducting regular sessions on maintaining optimum resources can help mitigate these issues. Keeping employees updated with the latest software and digital solutions can reduce technical bottlenecks.

- Data Security

Maintaining the security and privacy of a company's confidential information is essential in a remote work environment. Implementing robust cybersecurity solutions and establishing strong security policies and protocols can help ensure a secure framework across the organization's workflow.

Regular security audits and workshops can also help maintain cybersecurity measures at optimum levels at all times.

Learn more: The Benefits of Custom Software Development Outsourcing

Remote-First Companies to Inspire

Remote-First Companies

If you're seeking first-hand inspiration from companies that excel in remote-first work culture, there are a few pioneers that you should definitely check out. These businesses have shared useful resources about their approach to remote work that you might find interesting.

1. GitLab

GitLab is one of the largest remote-first companies globally, with over 1,300 team members in 65+ countries. They empower their people to work and live wherever they feel fulfilled, and their guide to all-remote features, The Remote Manifesto, values, hiring practices and experiences.

2. Buffer

Buffer's remote development team of 85 people is fully distributed across 15 countries, and they have always been committed to remote-first work culture. They openly share public salaries, salary calculators and diversity dashboards to ensure transparency in their processes.

3. Help Scout

Help Scout has built a thriving remote culture across 80+ cities around the world. Their CEO, Nick Francis, says that a culture's effectiveness depends on how information flows, so everyone needs to have access to the same information. He advises companies to go all-in on remote or not bother at all.

4. Zapier

Zapier, founded in 2011, has never had an office and now counts 400+ employees over six continents. One of their values is defaulting to action, and they embrace the remote-first approach to documentation, hiring, compensation, benefits, mental and physical health and connection.

5. Doist

Doist, the company behind Todoist and Twist products, has been remote from day one and now counts 68 people across 25 countries. They hire based on values like independence, passion, focus, clear communication, self-mastery and courage, and their remote work guides and comprehensive article on how Doist makes remote work happen are worth checking out.

Learn more: How to Upskill Your Software Development Team in 2023

The Rise of Digital Thinking

To simply assume that Silicon Valley's success is solely due to its focus on technology is a narrow mindset. To follow in the footsteps of Silicon Valley is more than just updating your company's technology. It's not about the technical specifics anymore but rather about achieving company objectives.

Businesses that will excel in the digital age are those that integrate digital technology into the foundation of their organization instead of adding it as an afterthought. The most crucial factor is time. The ability to develop and deploy quickly is essential.

Being a modern business means being able to act swiftly, stay ahead of competitors, meet customer demands, and understand the needs of the market for today and tomorrow. Essentially, the Silicon Valley approach is a continuous project. If a business isn't adapting, it's standing still, and those who stand still will soon fall behind.

Bottom Line

Are you struggling to find the right offshore development provider for your business? With so many options out there, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to turn. But fear not because Remotebase is here to offer a trusted tech talent solution that meets all your needs and exceeds your expectations.

We understand that finding the right software development team can make or break the success of your project. That's why we provide professionals who are not only experienced and reputable but also fit within your budget. We're committed to ensuring a successful project outcome from start to finish.

But our commitment doesn't stop there. We offer all-round support and a team that matches your work model and timezone to give you peace of mind that any issues that may arise can be addressed promptly. With Remotebase, you're not just getting a service provider, you're getting a long-term partner dedicated to your success.

And it's not just about cost-effectiveness, although that's definitely a plus. With our flexible engagement models, you can work within 24 hours with dedicated offshore developers from around the world who are tailored to meet your specific needs.

Whether you have a complex project or need to maintain information security, Remotebase is the perfect partner for all your development needs.

Don't settle for anything less than the best. Choose Remotebase and experience the difference that a trusted and reliable offshore development provider can make for your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are companies working remotely?

Companies are working remotely for several reasons. The pandemic has certainly played a role in the shift, as businesses have had to adapt to new ways of operating amidst lockdowns and social distancing guidelines. However, remote work offers more than just a temporary solution. Many companies have discovered that remote work can lead to increased productivity, better work-life balance for employees, and cost savings on office space and equipment. Additionally, it allows companies to tap into a global talent pool and expand their reach beyond their physical location.

Why is remote development the best option now than ever before?

Remote development is the best option now more than ever before because of the advancements in technology that make communication and collaboration easier than ever. With video conferencing, screen sharing, and instant messaging tools, remote teams can work together seamlessly as if they were in the same room. This enables companies to tap into a larger pool of talent, often at a lower cost than hiring in-house, while also providing flexibility for team members who may not be able to work in a traditional office environment. Additionally, remote development allows companies to work around the clock, with teams in different time zones able to hand off work to each other for maximum efficiency.

Why are remote jobs the future?

Remote jobs are the future because they offer many benefits for both employees and employers. For employees, remote work provides flexibility, the ability to work from anywhere, and often better work-life balance. It also eliminates the need for lengthy commutes and reduces expenses associated with commuting and working in a physical office. For employers, remote work offers access to a larger pool of talent, reduces overhead costs, and allows for greater flexibility in scaling up or down teams as needed. As more companies embrace remote work, it is likely that remote jobs will become the norm rather than the exception.

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