Sun Feb 25 2024
Founders & Tech Leaders

Software Development Trends: A Rapid Overview

Tazeen Fatima
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Forget your dusty old coding textbooks, folks! The software development world is moving at the speed of light (thanks, 5G!), and savvy tech leaders need to be ready to adapt or get left behind. This blog is your cheat sheet to the hottest trends. So let's dive in and get ready to future-proof your tech skills!

#1. Low-Code/No-Code

Remember the days when coding was an exclusive club? Well, those days are over! Low-code and no-code platforms are throwing open the doors, allowing anyone with a creative spark to build apps and websites without needing a Ph.D. in computer science. Think of it as Legos for the digital age – snap together pre-built blocks and voila, you've got a functional app! This is a game-changer for businesses, empowering them to innovate faster and tap into a wider talent pool. That’s why low-code/no-code solutions are expected to make up 65% of application development in 2024. As expected, the worldwide low-code platform market is projected to reach around 65 billion U.S. dollars by 2027.

#2. Cloud Computing

The sky's the limit (literally) - Forget bulky servers taking up precious office space. Cloud computing has become the new normal, offering on-demand access to computing power and storage, all accessible from a web browser. It's like having a virtual supercomputer at your fingertips, ready to scale up or down as your needs evolve. Plus, the security and reliability are top-notch, making it a win-win for developers and businesses alike. That’s why the world’s spending by businesses on cloud computing infrastructure is forecast to top $1 trillion for the first time in 2024.

#3. Cybersecurity

As technology advances, so do the bad guys. Cybersecurity threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, demanding constant vigilance and proactive measures. As per a report, the number of deepfakes detected globally across all industries increased tenfold from 2022 to 2023, with notable regional differences: 1740% deepfake surge in North America, 1530% in APAC, 780% in Europe (inc. the UK), 450% in MEA, and 410% in Latin America. According to Gartner, 30% of businesses will consider identity verification and authentication solutions unreliable when used alone because of AI-generated deepfakes by 2026.

#4. AI/ML

The machines are learning (and they're pretty smart). Artificial intelligence and machine learning are no longer science fiction. They're rapidly transforming software development, from automating repetitive tasks to generating code and even predicting bugs. Think of it as having a super-powered assistant who can write code faster and better than ever before. But don't worry, robots aren't taking over just yet – they're here to augment our skills, not replace them.

#5. IoT

The Internet of Everything, Everywhere. From smart refrigerators to self-driving cars, the Internet of Things connects devices like never before. This creates a treasure trove of data but also a complex landscape to manage. Software developers are at the forefront of building the systems and applications that will utilize this data to unlock its true potential.

#6. Progressive Web Apps

Remember the struggle between native apps and web apps? Well, progressive web apps (PWAs) are here to bridge the gap. They offer the speed and functionality of native apps combined with the accessibility and discoverability of web apps. It's like having the best of both worlds, all wrapped up in a neat little package. According to research, the global market for PWAs is expected to reach a value of $10.44 billion by 2027.

#7. Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin

While cryptocurrency grabs the headlines, blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of software development. With its secure and transparent data storage capabilities, blockchain can be used for everything from secure payments to supply chain management. It's a complex technology, but one that holds immense promise for the future. By 2027, Bitcoin is expected to reach a revenue of more than $94 billion, exhibiting a remarkable compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 66.2%.

#8. Edge Computing

As the number of connected devices explodes, traditional cloud computing can get bogged down. That's where edge computing comes in. By processing data closer to its source, edge computing reduces latency and improves responsiveness. Think of it as having mini data centers distributed throughout the network, keeping things running smoothly. Fortune Business Insights estimates that the global edge computing market size was valued at $11.99 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow to $139.58 billion by 2030, exhibiting a CAGR of 36.3% during the forecast period.

#9. Quantum Computing

While still in its early stages, quantum computing has the potential to change the game completely. The US government is planning to start a National Quantum Initiative (NQI) for advancing quantum research, technology, and workforce development to maintain leadership in the field. By harnessing the power of quantum mechanics, quantum computers can solve problems that are currently impossible for even the most powerful classical computers. It's like having a super-duper-powered supercomputer that can crack codes, design new materials, and revolutionize medicine.

#10. Outsourcing Due to IT Skills Shortage

Finding skilled developers can be challenging, and the competition is fierce. Globally, 75% of employers report talent shortages. That's where IT outsourcing can come in handy. By tapping into the global talent pool, businesses can access qualified developers who might not be available locally. However, outsourcing requires careful planning and management to ensure success.

#11. DevSecOps

Security shouldn't be an afterthought. DevSecOps integrates security practices into the entire software development lifecycle, from planning to deployment. This collaborative approach helps to identify and fix vulnerabilities early on, saving time, money, and headaches down the road. According to IBM’s Data Security report, Businesses adopting DevSecOps best practices are experiencing notable enhancements in data and system security. Those neglecting it face the potential risk of more than $4 million per data breach.

#12. New Languages

The landscape of programming languages is constantly evolving, while JavaScript became the most popular programming language in 2023, in 2024, companies are also utilizing new options. From Kotlin and Swift to Rust and Go.

#13. 5G

It is the supercharged internet that's about to change everything. Faster speeds, lower latency, more connected devices – it's a developer's dream come true! As 5G becomes more widespread, it is anticipated that global data consumption will surge, with projections indicating nearly 330 exabytes of mobile data traffic per month by 2028.

This is just a glimpse into the wild ride that is software development trends. So, stay curious, keep learning, and embrace the future with open arms (and a good dose of caffeine). Remember, the only constant is change, and in this industry, change is our fuel!

Now, go forth and build something amazing!

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